CAVE Spring 2025 Courses

Kicking off in February 2025, we’ll be running 4 LIVE/ONLINE courses covering Modelling, Surfacing, Creature Concept Art and VFX Production.

Modelling Props for VFX with Jahirul Amin

Modelling Props for VFX is a live/online course where students will be taught the fundamentals of 3D Modelling to create a photoreal, pipeline-ready prop for VFX. Through practical hands-on learning, we’ll cover a wide range of topics covering the asset modelling process.

Creating Creature Concepts for VFX 2025 with Paul Mellender

Creating Creature Concepts for VFX is a live/online course where you’ll be working from an original script provided by CAVE Academy, in which Paul Mellender will teach you his process to create memorable creature concepts.

Surfacing Props for VFX with Jahirul Amin

Surfacing Props for VFX is a live/online course where students will be taught the fundamentals of 3D Surfacing to create a photoreal, pipeline-ready prop for VFX. Through practical hands-on learning, we’ll cover a wide range of topics covering the asset surfacing process.

VFX Production 2025 with Elena Pagliei

VFX Production is a live/online course where we will cover how Production fits into the world of VFX and how to manage such projects. We’ll start by giving an overview of a typical VFX pipeline and see how data is passed from one stage to the next. Following on from this, we’ll introduce you to Shotgun (an industry standard project management software) and see how it is used on a daily basis for tracking VFX projects.

These courses are part of our Spring Programme of training and will be used to launch 2 learning-based projects:

  • FND – our Foundation project where we’ll be covering the fundamentals of asset and shot creation.
  • SCD – a horror project that involves creature work, VFX and plenty of onset action.

To find out more about our upcoming courses, you can also check out a series of Webinars where we discuss the course aims and the lesson plans:

…and if you are a school/studio who would like to find out more about our multi-seat offers, please do get in touch. For individuals, we still have our Early Bird Offer up and running, so we got you covered 😉


If you would like to find out more about our 2025 Spring Programme, please do get in touch either directly or using the form below.

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