Filmakademie – Onset Data Acquisition 1001
This course will teach you the skills to acquire industry-standard data for Visual Effects, Feature Animation and Games.
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14.06.2021 - 30.06.2021
Jahirul Amin
Learn the tools and processes to capture onset reference
This course, brought to you in collaboration with Clear Angle Studios, Rebellion Film Studios and Camberwell Studios, will give you the skills to acquire industry-standard data for Visual Effects, Feature Animation and Games.
This course focuses on the process and workflows to capture onset reference, such as capturing HDRIs and photogrammetry to shooting lens grid shoots and data wrangling, for the purposes of recreating believable digital assets and environments.
Lessons in this course
01. Introduction to Onset Data Acquisition, Etiquette and Who's Who
This lesson we will explore what data is captured onset in order to create believable digital assets and shot-based imagery. We will also explain who’s who onset and look at how to go about achieving working practices which ensure the VFX team are seen as an integral part of the shoot team and not a nuisance. -
03. Shooting HDRIs and Panoramas
In this lesson, we’ll cover the process of shooting HDRIs with a full-frame Canon camera, a fisheye lens and a Ninja Nodal for the purposes of lighting. Following on from shooting HDRIs, we'll focus on using similar techniques to capture panoramas for the use of texturing, camera projections and digital matte painting. -
04. Shooting Texture and Look Development Reference
In this lesson, we will cover the process of capturing texture reference using cross polarization techniques. We will also look at some of the additional reference you can capture that will be valuable to the look development team so they can get a better sense of how the asset materials respond to light. -
07. Data Wrangling and Witness Cameras
This lesson will look at what camera and lens data should be captured onset for the purposes of VFX post-production. We will also look at shooting witness cameras, which will allow you to capture additional reference and viewpoints of what happened on-set during a take.