Introduction to Cameras and Lenses 1001
This on-demand short course will give you an overview of using cameras and lenses with a leaning towards VFX data capture.
Jahirul Amin
Learn how to control F-Stop, shutter speed and ISO for manual shooting
This course, brought to you in collaboration with Clear Angle Studios and Rebellion Film Studios, will give you a detailed overview of how to use cameras and lenses.
The course kicks off with an overview of what’s in a standard VFX camera kit before diving in and getting hands-on with the Canon 5Ds and a series of lenses commonly used in data capture. We’ll cover the fundamentals of shooting in manual mode using shutter speed, F-Stop and ISO, the exposure triangle, shooting multi-bracketed shots, the effects of distortion, and some useful apps that you may want to keep on your device.
Although during the course, we are using the Canon 5Ds, you should be able to follow along using any DSLR or similar.