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CAVE On-Demand Courses Monthly Subscription

Get access to all our on-demand courses for one monthly fee!


As much as possible, we’ve attempted to make our courses affordable on a global playing field. However, we understand how the pricing in the UK does not translate well or fairly to other regions due to a number of reasons.

As we can only set one fixed price and to make things more fair across the board, we are now offering On-Demand Courses Subscription allowing students to access all our on-demand courses* at a fixed monthly fee of £24.99.

*Please note that this does not include our LIVE/ONLINE courses.

What courses are included?

The following courses are currently included in the subscription and over time, we’ll be looking to add a lot more content over a variety of different disciplines.

You can find plenty more info about the courses* here: CAVE Academy Courses

*Make sure to switch the Course type to On-demand.

Subscription Support

If you have any questions related to any of the courses, you can join the CAVE Academy Discord and join the relevant channel:


If you have any questions related to the Subscription, please do get in touch either directly or using the form below.

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CAVE On-Demand Courses Monthly Subscription
