London ACM SIGGRAPH Rainbow Conference

A huge thanks to the team at London ACM Siggraph for inviting CAVE Academy to deliver a keynote and workshop for their recent Rainbow Conference.

The team at London ACM SIGGRAPH, supported by Chaos, Autodesk, Foundry, and Axis Studios, did an absolutely stellar job of running the event and it was great to catch up with familiar faces and also meet plenty of new people.

On Day 2 of the event, we delivered a keynote presentation on ‘Taking Things Back to their Roots’, where we discussed the importance of experimenting, playing, observation, and analysing your reference to better inform and support your creative decision-making process.

After that, we were on the shop floor presenting a workshop on shooting HDRIs for VFX, which meant playing with some giant balls, a colour chart and a camera 😉

If you are not familiar with the work the London ACM SIGGRAPH team do, make sure to check out their website here. By supporting the team, we can continue to enjoy these great free events:

…a big thanks also to Twelve Noon Films for the great conversation backstage.