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Setting up RV
We’ll be using RV to primarily for playback and sometimrs for reviews. For more information on RV, check out the official docs here:
Installing RV
To install Shotgun Desktop, log in to the CAVE Academy Shotgun homepage here using your login details:
Then go Apps > RV Desktop Media Player
This will take you to to the following webpage, where after agreeing to the terms and conditions, you’ll be able to download an install package for your OS.
Once downloaded, go through the usual steps to install an application.
You should then find Shotgun available in your list of applications.
Launch RV and you’ll be presented with the following screen asking for your site name. Past in the following path:
…and then log in using your usual credentials when prompted.
With RV up and running, you should now be able to drop images or videos into the player to view and review them.
Moving On
- Using RV at CAVE Academy